KONA NORTH INC utilizes its cutting edge technology such as 3D Laser scanning , Total-Station, and GPS . We have innovative approach on having overall structural analysis . We compare your design model to the as-built survey model to identify any structural issues. We run a analysis on a whole structure and provide you with colour deviation map to point out any structural deviations such as jag , hog or bow in structural steel beam and columns.
Give KONA NORTH INC a call or email us at harshilbhanderi@konanorth.com for any queries or consultation

Color map deviation analysis, also known as colormap analysis, is a technique used to assess the quality and effectiveness of color maps (color scales or color palettes) used in data visualization. This analysis is particularly relevant in fields such as data visualization, scientific data representation, and information design. The goal is to ensure that the chosen color map accurately and effectively conveys the information contained within a dataset while avoiding misleading or confusing visual representations.
Color deviation map analysis provide clients with neat reports identifying them the structural deviation pattern. Color deviation map aids in planning procedure the reparation and providing an estimated cost of repairs.
Customized Deliverables
Volume and stock pile Calculations
design to As-built model Analysis
Structural Analysis
Prepare Architectural packages from point cloud
Floor Flatness and levelness ASTM E1155
New Construction Accuracy Analysis/Comparative Analysis
Deviation Analysis
Reproduction of 2D plans.
Determining areas (facades, roofs, parking lots, etc.).
Storage Tank Inspection
Digital and 3D Modeling
Creation of a point cloud geo-located in space using control points or gridlines.
Wall and column Plumbness Analysis
Quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC)